Friday 14 December 2012

last day of school 2012

In Queensland, school finished for the summer today. Although, our school actively discourages students attending on "clean up day", so yesterday was the last day.

{I don't usually share photos of school uniforms, because it has the school name on it, but I remembered how to hide it in photoshop}

Natalie had a great first-year of school. She's still struggling a bit with confidence leaving mum, but learning-wise, she's grasped all the concepts thrown at her this year.

Douglas, on the other hand, has struggled a bit. He finished the year better than he started (amazing how glasses can help!), but will need some extra help next year with some concepts in English (something neither of us can help him with.)

Riley is getting ready to transition to the pre-kindy room in the new year - starting to learn some simple get-ready-for-school concepts (although he's a September-baby, so doesn't start prep until 2015)

I wish I could share how Chloe has fared this year - year 9 is when students are steered towards career and tertiary education choices. I'm hoping she's following her heart, not someone else's.

Now I need to survive the next 45 days of summer.

How do you entertain the kids during summer break?


  1. im the same as you when it comes to sharing school uniform pics.....i always get rid of the name of school off it................. Connor (my 7 yr old who just finished grade 1) is a sept bub too so he got held back the year as was good for him though because hes a special ed kid he needed that extra yr to mature a bit sometimes not being one of the youngest is good for the kid....our 20 mth old is a march bub so he goes 2016

  2. It's so hard to get my head round the fact that you are in your summer holidays when we are about to just have two weeks off school for Christmas. Enjoy your holidays! Don't let them wear you down too much ;-)

  3. I don't have photoshop so I use paint, and sometimes PicMonkey.
    Luckily Mr BC has some time off in the holidays, so I am relying heavily on him to help entertain the boys. Lots of kayaking, swimming, beach walking, friends, movies, excursions (check Brisbane Kids)and park visits. Who am I kidding they are glued to the iPod!

  4. We have another torturous week to go - well, three days for my kids and the whole week for me at work. I plan to tire mine out with a LOT of swimming!

  5. Sounds like it was a good year. My sister entertains her kids for a week each summer by sending them to Aunt Melissa's house - lucky me! :>)

  6. I'm glad to hear the little ones have had a good year at school...hope you're feeling better
    Alison xx


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