Sunday, 3 February 2013

storytelling sunday | pick your precious bunny rug

My mum wasn't a big crafter. In fact, I don't remember her ever making anything except a few dresses when I was  teenager (and she blew up her sewing machine making a maternity dress for me when I was pregnant with Chloe.)

But when she was pregnant with my brother (32 years ago), she made a pile of bunny rugs. And being the hoarder that I am, I've had them stashed away in a box since I was about ten.

You've seen the yellow one before, it's been a favourite of mine for photo backgrounds for a while now. But the pink one has a new use, as a coming-home-from-hospital-bunny-rug for a precious bundle.

{mother's intuition said I was having a boy}

linking up with Sian for storytelling sunday


  1. Ahhh so the old wives tales were right!

  2. I can imagine they must be gloriously soft now too!

    1. They are beautiful now! And lovely and clean, just waiting.

  3. Those old wives tales brought out the contrariness in me again everything was opposite to them for me.

    You can enjoy this precious for the rest of your live

  4. What cute fabric! You can almost feel the softness just by looking at the photo. Happy to hear that the pink one is about to be put to good use ;-)

  5. Congratulations on the new good use. Definitely look soft and comfy.

  6. Congratulations! That blanket looks so soft and warm it's making me want to go and snuggle up :)

  7. Yes, it does look very snuggly :) Well done for keeping it.

  8. Many Congratulations x This blanket looks so soft & just right for a newborn x

  9. It's perfect! Babies need a bit of history behind them I reckon and this will do the job very nicely..and maybe she'll be able to keep it for a new generation even further down the line?

    Thanks for this Cate. And now we're looking forward to the follow up -seeing that blanket coming home from hospital again

  10. Oh how sweet that you saved them. And now the next little one can be surrounded by bunny love as well as family love. Precious, indeed!

  11. I'm so pleased you have it to bring your precious bundle home in. I looks perfect and snugly.

  12. Congratulations and what a special blanket to wrap your little one up in!

  13. Congratulations! How special that you have that blanket just waiting for her.

  14. HOw wonderful that there will be this link ot yuor mum as you wrap up your baby daughter - well done for keeping the blankets!

  15. a special blanket for a special baby - lovely story.

  16. How wonderful that this all ready & waiting for your new bundle of joy!

  17. Your mum must be so pleased to see her blanket coming into use for another granddaughter!
    Alison xx

  18. Congratulations! It's a lovely story and a lovely blanket.

  19. Your mother may not have sewn a lot, but what she did sew is lovely. I imagine after all these years, the flannel is super soft and cuddly.

  20. Congratulations....and I love that you are reusing something with such memories :-)

  21. The prints on these blankets are so cute! It sounds as if they were made with love. Just looking at them makes me long for an afternoon nap... :-)

  22. Oh - such a lovely story - and a perfect wrap for a precious bundle. J x

  23. PINK?!?! So, you're having a girl! :o)!!! Hooray. Such a cute story, and happy news - I was hoping for a girl. xo

  24. I am glad that it is still being used after all that time :-) It is very cute material.

  25. How wonderful that you followed your instinct and have kept them all these years, and that another generation will be softly cradled in it :), Precious indeed!

  26. Congratulations, a lovely story and blankets filled with memories to wrap you
    precious baby in. Visiting from Sian STS


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