Wednesday 20 March 2013

project life | week 6

I'm still "behind" with my photo editing, but I'm slowly getting a nice system for keeping on top of the photos for each week (although some days I'm terrible at actually taking photos)

I often look at my week in review card when placing in the album and think "I've left xyz off", so I'm playing with a new system for keeping track (I've been writing in my diary each week, but am finding it a little bulky)

Linking up with The Mom Creative for Project Life Tuesday

The Mom Creative


  1. Even the back of your Natalie's head is cute!!
    Alison xx

  2. I love your photos, especially the shadows and the food. I always feel like I am leaving something out too, but then I remind myself that every day is not a Day in the Life project! That being said, I'm finding Oh Life ( really helpful (it's free). They send an email each day and you respond with your day's entry. I make myself answer the daily email with a list of 5 things (sometimes I write more). I print it out each week (copy and paste into a word document) and stick it in my album. Having a goal to list only 5 things was the key for me. Before that I was not keeping up. I do miss a day here or there, but for the most part I'm capturing at least five details from each day.


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