Tuesday, 20 August 2013

keeping it real | another change of plans

cleaning the truck out for the last time
life has been hard for a while now

not just the last few weeks, but months and months

it was physically draining

not just being pregnant, which took a lot to wrap my head around

but our business has been struggling for almost as long

Last Friday, we were put in the position of having to make a choice - lose the truck or lose the house

it's one we knew was coming, had known for a couple of months it was likely

Steve lay awake most night, worrying

wanting to keep the house, needing the truck to make that happen

But on Friday we had to admit that we couldn't do it any more

{not defeat, but a roof over our kids head is more important}

and in a strange twist of fate, on Saturday morning someone agreed to take over the payments on the truck

so it wasn't repossessed, it found a new home

and some of the weight lifted.

Now we face the struggle of finding Steve a job

and in a strange twist of fate on Saturday evening, a friend pointed us in the right direction

something that could really help us if it were to happen

We're not counting on it, still going through the process of creating a resume, contacting agencies, checking with industry contacts to see who has what available

This past weekend was the first time in months and months that we truly spent time with the kids

we left the house, and explored a walking track near home

we left the house, and explored a new local handcraft market

we left the house, and watched the kids race their bikes out the front of the house

we left the house, and enjoyed the sunshine

some weight has lifted, and we can start smiling again


  1. I hope this is the start of a new life, there is nothing worse than trying to live with financial worries it is so stressful.

  2. Cate, so sorry to hear of all your worries. I pray that the job will come through soon so that some of your worries can be reduced.

  3. Hoping that there is a fresh start and more security in your lives soon and glad to read of the winds of change and stirrings of optimism. Thinking of you.

  4. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new opportunity works out for you

  5. Fingers crossed Cate. Hope there is some positive news soon.

  6. Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed that those doors all open for you. J x

  7. Have just seen this Cate...hoping things are looking more positive now!
    Alison xx


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