Friday 8 November 2013

left-brained ISFJ

I've never thought I was a strongly creative person. In fact, until I started scrapbooking, I'd never been interested in creativity.  A couple of months ago I signed up for The Art + Science of Scrapbooking at Big Picture Classes, and took the pre-class test to figure out whether I was left- or right-brained.

Turns out I'm left-brained. Steve said "doesn't surprise me, what did you expect?" I didn't expect him to be right-brained, but I guess that's why we work so well together!

One of the recommended resources for the class was the book "Creative You - Using Your Personality Type to Thrive" I bought it and read it in a couple of days. I discovered my personality is ISFJ on the Myers Briggs scale, and as I read about my creative personality I nodded along. So many of the traits fitted in with my left-brained-ness and the way I create and think.

And thank goodness I'm only 56% left-brained, leaving 44% right-brained-ness to explain the inability to get organised!

Do you know your personality type?

1 comment

  1. I have no idea of my type :). But it clearly has been a help in unfurling your creativity. Love your photo :).


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