Wednesday 17 September 2014

work in progress wednesday

Back in May, the craft group that I'd been attending each weekly unexpectedly closed down. I had just been starting to get into a groove with my crat again, so I was kind of at a loss as to how I would make craft work again at home.

A couple of weeks ago, I got fed up with not purposely making space for craft, so whipped a quick text message off to my sister-in-law, Caitlin {who is probably going to freak out at being called that, but what else do you call your brother's girlfriend?} and organised for her to come over the next day (Wednesday, the same day craft group used to meet)

I didn't do anything that first week, just pushed paper around, looked at my stash of clear stamps, discovered that my StazOn was dried out, and gossiped about all sorts of kid- and craft-related stuff. Then last week, I decided it was time to baste the triangle quilt. And once it was basted, I pulled out the sewing machine. Sophie was struggling a bit (turns out she was probably starting to get sick), and I don't expect to get much done this week, because she actually is sick now, but it felt good to sit at the machine, and sew some straight lines.

Caitlin is hosting the Aussie Work in Progress over at LittleWhiteDove today, and then she'll probably be eating cream bun with me, because what is a craft day without indulging in yummy treats?!

Little White Dove

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