Sunday, 28 December 2014

us right now

she loved taking all the grandkids to the movies

but was glad to hand them back afterwards

she is heading off on a two week cruise tomorrow

hopefully without injury this time

he has an extra day off work this week

but it's too wet to do any odd jobs

he's a good sport, putting the santa hat on for me

and even took a decent photo of me!

she is glad Christmas is over for another year

but loved planning and feeding everyone

she has lots of ideas for 2015

and needs to step out and be BRAVE

she has red hair!

and loves talking to her siblings each week

she grows up every time we talk to her

but will always have my heart

he got a mobile phone for Christmas

everything else pales in comparison

he's grown up a bit these holidays, too

hopefully it sticks into the New Year

she is at a sleepover tonight for her best friend's birthday

and wasn't worried about missing out on a trip to the airport

she got lots of craft for Christmas

and has done everything already

he got a Dinosaur Trains dinosaur for Christmas

and Dad spent an hour replacing batteries in his other dinosaurs

he's bored with the rain

and being a little bit naughty as a result

she had a 3 hour sleep on Christmas day

and hasn't slept more than 30 minutes during the day since then

she loves the scooter bike Nanna gave her

and the noisy book from mum and dad


  1. What a fantastic look at y'all right now - great photos & journaling to go with them!

  2. Oh how I love these posts on a regular basis, but this one is the best ever! All of the photos are fantastic and my heart skipped a beat when I saw your beautiful Chloe. ❤️

  3. These photos are just gorgeous! You will be so glad you took these in years to come ... What a lovely, lovely family you are :).

  4. Chloe is a beautiful redhead, so glad ya'll have reconnected! I wish I had had the thought and discipline to do these tops of posts (journaling) when my boys were growing up. Such a treasure!


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