Friday, 2 January 2015

scrapbooking goals for 2015

I don't usually  choose a word and set goals for the year, but if there's one thing I've learned about myself in the last couple of months, it's that goals actually work for me when I break them down into tiny little baby steps, instead of big overwhelming ideas.

As I pondered my creative goals over the last couple of days, I realised that "scrapbook more" wasn't defined enough, and that I needed to put more thought into what it was that I actually wanted.

Then I set to downloading the member material from Simple Scrapper*, as I do every month. This month, Jennifer has released the 2015 edition of the Start Fresh workbook and planner, in time for the class which starts on January 7th and runs for 5 days.

Start Fresh last year saw me getting organised and inspired for about a month, and while life got in the way, I know that I'll get even more out of the program this year, because I'm making it a priority. One of the things that was the biggest eye opener for me was celebrating victories. It's something that finally clicked a couple of weeks ago, to keep track of the things you have achieved, rather than focusing on the things you haven't. This has been an absolute game changer for me, and I'm making celebrating victories a priority in every area of my life.

If you're looking for some support and ideas, and maybe even some extra time to create, then check out the Simple Scrapper blog for more information.

Do you plan your creating activities, or just wing it?

* affiliate link.


  1. I signed up for Start Fresh because I liked the idea of the workbook. I scrap a lot each year but have some projects I want to be intentional about completing this year & thought it would be a good start to my year of INSPIRATION!

  2. That looks like a good way to look at things. I am being very concrete about what I want to do scrapbooking-wise this year and spending this week getting it all organised, down to a photo work-flow!

  3. It's so easy to focus on the negatives rather than the positives and I think we're all guilty of that. You had a tough year and with a small baby as well, I'm not sure I would have coped as good as you! I'm going to go and check out that link, it sounds very interesting.

  4. Oh Cate, we are in the same path. I'm breaking down my goals for 2015, no resolutions anymore, only small monthly goals because it's too overwhelming to think of the big things we want to accomplish. I also love being a member of Simple Scrapper community. I love to celebrate victories, too. Sometimes I keep a gratitude journal to lift up my steem. Loved to know your blog.

  5. I think acknowledging and celebrating those accomplishments/victories will truly change your life, Cate! I am intentional about some of my creative time (more for the business part of it) but sometimes it's just when the spirit moves me and I am inspired. If I made a list of all the projects I should get done in 2015 I am not sure if it would help me or terrify me ;)


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