Saturday, 30 May 2015

Me around the web

Today's prompt share links to you in other places Sometimes as bloggers we forget to tell people about the other spaces we occupy. Today, tell your readers about your social media spaces, and any other places you can be found.
Before I met Steve, I didn't have the internet on at home. It was just way out of my single-parent-budget, so I mostly used it at university to research assignments (and grand plans). I couldn't understand GeoCities, didn't even know about MySpace, but had used Yahoo Chat a couple of times, and blogged on the Yahoo360 platform, as well as using Blogger in it's pre-google days.

When Steve and I moved in together, all the computer gear came with him. Mountains and mountains of old servers, boxes, floppy disk drives, I think there's even a tape reader or two. All piled in the shed. Computers were his thing, he taught me how to use LimeWire (all our wedding songs were downloaded from there), and I discovered scrapbooking forums, and parenting forums from wandering around the internet from the comforts of my own home. I started this blog before I even had a facebook profile (in fact, I mention it in the third ever post I wrote!)

My point is this - I love exploring the internet. It opened up a whole new world to me. My cousin in England who was only ever an idea growing up, is a real person who shares photos of his kids (he has a Chloe, too), and I can see those photos! My mum comments on almost every blog post I share on facebook, so she can actually be a part of Sophie's childhood in a different way than the weekly phone calls she had with Chloe. I've been on instagram since Shimelle Laine first wrote a blog post about it back in 2010. And pinterest and I have a long-term love affair.

I can't fix computers, I leave that to Steve, but I've shown him how to use facebook in the last year, and I can comfortably change code on my blog, something I wouldn't have thought possible twenty years ago. This is the amazing world we hand over to our kids, a world full of learning, and changing, and exploring.

The internet has given me some amazing opportunities, too. I still write for And Sew We Craft (although crafting has been few and far between in the last couple of years), and I learnt a lot during my year on the team at Talk About Creative.

How many years have you had a facebook profile for?

Tomorrow's prompt  bake a cake You've made it to the end of the month. How do you celebrate the little things?
{life behind the purple door}



  1. I think I started mine a few months after I started my blog.... hmm will have to go check, but I'm pretty sure I've had it since 2012.

  2. Very interesting to read about your online history! I was late to Facebook - just got my account in 2012 I think.


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