Monday, 29 February 2016

Hello Monday

hello broken car Just what we needed when our savings are tapped out. Fortunately, it's only a couple of broken belts, not a whole engine replacement. Should be back up with wheels by next week.

hello March There are two birthdays in March, and Easter is early this year, so March is an exciting month

hello crafting I think I write this every other week, but I've tapped into myself, and solved the problem of wallowing online. On Tuesdays, I've got a plan to just get it done.

hello lunch date Steve's been working 6.5 days a week for the last month, so we've hardly seen him. I'm doing a review for a local cafe today, and he's coming with me to enjoy a lunch away from home.

hello writing With Steve home for a couple more days this week, I can get some writing time in. Finding the balance is sometimes difficult (right now, I'm still sitting in my pyjamas writing, while the kids are ready to walk out the door without me) because I don't like writing late at night, so I use time wherever I can find it.

hello Monday, a new start every week

linking with Kirsty, Eva and Alicia


  1. Oh 6.5 days...poor bloke. He must be sleeping soundly at night. I did about 10 days straight last year when I crossed over two part time jobs and that just about wrecked me.

  2. What a busy week. I am in shock tomorrow is March. I'm not ready to let go of Feb

  3. Hopefully your wheels are back in action soon. It must have been nice to have some time with Steve after him being at work so much. Enjoy the writing time and birthdays.

  4. I hope you had a wonderful lunch date - I bet it was just what you needed too x

  5. 6.5 days a week is a full on schedule! You must have been feeling it too. I hope you enjoyed your lunch date today!

  6. I hear ya about the broken car. Hubster's car is getting fixed this week so he is taking mine to work - meaning I am carless (not careless haha).

  7. Just when I think I have all the time in the world, something comes up and I am cramming to fit stuff in. Mainly stuff just for me. It never seems to come. Even though the kids have gone back to school and kindy. I hope lunch was good! Poor hubby working his guts out and the car buggers up. Hope it's not too costly x

  8. Hard to believe it is March already and even harder to say goodbye to Summer... I love the warmer weather! Hope you have a great week!

  9. What a time it's been...hub at work 6.5 days and now a broken car. Boo. Glad you found time to write though! Good for you...hope getting out for a break with your hub was lovely. Denyse


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