Monday, 8 February 2016

Hello Monday

hello parent information night for the primary school and high school on the same night. I haven't worked out yet if I will actually make it to any of them, or just pretend to forget.

hello school photos at 8pm last night, Douglas announced that today was photo day. A mad scramble (and lots of yelling) occurred, trying to find forms and money and uniforms. The form was found, money was paid, but uniforms are still waiting to be ironed.

hello goodbye Chloe leaves this week. And while it's a huge adventure, setting off to the other end of the country, that doesn't stop my mummaheart from hurting. And worrying. 

hello pancakes tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday. And while we don't do the religious bit, we do do pancakes. I think we might do them for breakfast this year.

hello crafting I have been lacking mojo for weeks, despite making promises to myself that I will craft. So this week, I'm going to spend an hour a day tackling an unfinished project (and I have plenty of those!) Hopefully, just doing without overthinking will get the juices flowing again.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

linking with Alicia, Kirsty and Eva


  1. Never a bad reason to eat pancakes!

  2. Hope you have a great week Cate!

  3. I'm so not looking forward to parent information nights or parent teacher interviews or most other things associated with school. Lucky I have a few years before I need to deal with it all. Bet the kids were all happy to see Chloe.

  4. LOVE Pancake Day in our house too!!! We have them for dinner :)

  5. Thanks for the reminder - Pancakes for breakfast tomorrow now.
    It's hard letting go on the big kids , sharing their excitement is bittersweet.

  6. I didn't know about Shrove Tuesday being tomorrow! Just asked my sister if she's going to make me pancakes... Don't like my chances! Lol.. Have a great week!

  7. Good luck with working out how to get to both parent information nights. I think it might call for a night at home with a glass of wine instead!!!

  8. Ohhh I might have to do pancakes tomorrow too!

  9. I forgot it was shrove Tuesday today. Any excuse for cake, even pancakes! I can understand why you'd be worried about your daughter, I know I will when my boys are old enough to take off. Good luck with everything xo

  10. Big hugs for your aching mumma heart xx Good luck finding your craft mojo. I just don't say anything about pancake day, takes the pressure off to cook them ;)

  11. Oh you're so good! I was meant to do pancakes but was exhausted come dinner time and completely forgot. Ended up making a Tuna Bake. I can still do it tonight, right?

  12. So glad you've had time with Chloe before she heads off to school :)


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