Wednesday, 4 May 2016

behind the scenes

Today's prompt behind the scenes - what isn't instagramable? So much of social media is sharing the highlight reel. Today, I want you to share a photo (and the story behind it) that isn't perfect.
The dog snuck into the kids bedroom, and found herself a comfy pile of sleeping bags to rest her head on.
This is Molly. She's over 15 years old. Born on December 23rd, 2000.
And now she's gone.
Every time I walk past the stairs, I look for her pillow.
Every time I walk up the stairs, I start to yell at the kids to put her water bowl back.
Then I remember she's gone.
It was about dinner time on Saturday night that we realised we hadn't seen her for awhile. Usually, she sits downstairs with the kids, sleeping while they watch tv, but Saturday afternoon was filled with the last Harry Potter movies upstairs with us.

So we walked the neighbourhood in the drizzly rain. Then we drove the streets in the drizzly rain. And Sunday morning saw us back out there again, in the drizzly rain.

But we didn't think to check the pound listings until after they closed.
We ignored the listing, knowing in our hearts it was her, but hoping it wasn't, because money is so tight. The pound was closed until Tuesday, so we didn't have to make a decision until then.
I cried. From frustration, from annoyance, and because I knew that no matter how broke we were, we would be heading to the pound on Tuesday morning.
Except that the pound didn't open until lunch time.
There was a photo now. It was her.
We arrived at the pound before the gate opened. So we waited.
Then we waited while other people wanted to choose a puppy or a kitten.
We just wanted our senior dog.
"She's not well," they said "has she seen a vet lately?"
"no, we didn't realise."
"Well, our vet saw her this morning, and she's got a couple of tumours. She's been in pain."
We were at the cage by then, not the first time she's been in this pound, but the last.
She's snuggled in the corner of a dog bed too big for her, and her bowels are loose again.
"The vet gave her a painkiller this morning, but we decided if someone didn't come to claim her by tomorrow, we would put her down, it would be better for her."
The tears started flowing again.
The lady we spoke to was so kind and compassionate.
She said "I'll stay with her. We're not licensed for the public, but I'll stay with her. I'm glad you told me her name."
We left her behind.

So hard to do. But the right decision for her.

In hindsight, we can see the signs over the last few weeks.

But she was an old dog, and we missed them.

Tomorrow's prompt one tip What one thing did you change that had a bigger impact than you expected?

{You may link up any post you have written today}


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