Monday 20 February 2017

Hello Monday

hello new job A couple of weeks ago, someone from Steve's old workplace contacted him with a job offer. His offer wasn't the best, so Steve knocked it back and went on his merry way. Then the guy got back to him a few days later with a better offer, one Steve couldn't really say no to. It's come just as things have got weird where Steve is now, and our family feels like it's disintegrating because life is just juggling money and working long hours and never getting ahead with life. Better hours (4 on, 4 off again), better sleep (night shift), and regular routines we're all used to (instead of work this Saturday, not next, might be home at 4 or 6) should see us return to centre (and because we're actually ok money-wise, after a tight few months, the extra money is a bonus that might even get saved!)

hello new routines New jobs mean new routines. We never quite moved away from dinner at 5pm, so that won't be too much of a struggle, but having Steve home regularly again will take some getting used to for everyone. And Gus won't be happy he can't sleep in our bedroom all day any more. But we're all open to the changes, and prepared to work together to make it work for us.

hello party planning Natalie is ten next month. She hasn't had a birthday party since she started school, so this year we're planning a sleepover party. Planning who's coming and cleaning bedrooms is this week's priority, and figuring out gluten- and egg-free foods for one of the guests that isn't too far from what everyone else is eating.

hello super-cool collaboration As part of my plan-the-blog-for-2017 class last year, I hit on the idea of running a challenge, but I couldn't figure out what it should be about. Every time I looked at what I wanted to do for myself and this space, it popped up, with no answer. Until last week, when it came to me. But the more I pondered, the more I realised that I couldn't really do it on my own, because I didn't have a clue what I was talking about from an expert point of view. So I reached out to someone who is an expert, and asked if she wanted to work with me on it, and she said yes! I'm still on a high about it this week, and super-excited to move forward, but also super-scared to fail. And now that it's not just me working on it, I just want to run away and hide from it. Keep me accountable, will you?

hello Monday, a new start every week



  1. Some exciting changes for you! Good luck with the collaboration and I hope Natalie's sleepover goes well!

  2. That's a winner of a post update for this Monday Cate! Thanks for linking up for #lifethisweek 8/52. Next Week: Taking Stock.

  3. All sounds very exciting, although change can be hard. Good on you for stepping out of your comfort zone. Fear lets you know you're alive, that's for sure!

  4. I'm excited to hear more about your collaboration and your challenge - very exciting!

  5. There's so much postivity here. Glad to hear things are looking up x

  6. New things are a bit scary sometimes, but they bring great rewards! I will be interesting to see what you come up with for your blog :)


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