Thursday, 2 March 2017

Updating Family Photos

Us Right Now is a monthly series of photos + words, sharing our right now stories.

Since way back in 2009, I have taken regular photos of all the kids. Whether that's the memory keeper in me, or the adult that has no photos from their childhood, I have my big camera or phone at hand all the time. But getting professional photos taken isn't something we've done in the last 8 years (and in all honesty, our last set of "professional" photos were taken at Portrait Place in a room over-stuffed with silly props and a white background.)

So when I spotted a link from a local photographer, offering a session for $50, and I knew Steve's schedule was coming up to have a weekend free, I jumped on and booked us in. Of course, in typical-Cate fashion, I almost backed out at the last minute, coming up with a myriad of excuses that I knew I would hate myself for voicing, so I just pulled up my big-girl panties, ironed the boys shirts, raced to the shop for a tshirt for Sophie because everything was stained, and straightened my hair, and off we went.

The day turned out to be the windiest I've ever seen on the shore front, and still stupid-crowded at half past 3 in the afternoon! We dodged birthday parties, kids randomly climbing trees unsupervised, and a whole playground full of people to end up with some images that I'm really excited about.

Now to actually get the images printed and hung on the walls!

When did you last have family photos taken?

thanks to Spotted Hart Photography for working with us!



  1. I really like the first and last photos, Cate. Your kids are so photogenic. Outdoor family portraits are so much nicer than the studio ones.

  2. Love that one of you all about to jump! They'll look great on the walls ...


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