Monday, 23 October 2017

Hello Monday

Hello Monday is about welcoming the new week ahead by focusing on the things that bring excitement and joy to life, instead of the negative, and guiding the intentions for the week ahead.

Steve has been on the Mornington Peninsula, in Victoria, for the last two weeks, and the rest of this week. The unit he's in is just a couple of hundred metres from the beach, and with daylight savings it's been light well into the evening. Sophie calls these photos "dad's beach"

hello new blog template yep, I'm still on the Google Blogger platform. Yep, I've heard all the words, thanks. One of the reasons that I've stayed is because I really grew to love learning how to code HTML. 

Over the years I've coded in my Google Analytics, Facebook Open Graph, how to have a 3 column template, how to have front page snippets without using the jump break, and lots of little CSS stuff as well. 

But eventually there comes a time when everyone is talking about  a template designer and you fall in love with something, so you take a chance, only to discover once it's installed you love it even more. This is one such moment. [Pipdig does Wordpress templates, too]

hello content audit This might be a case of procrastinating because there's something else I don't want to do, but as part of the process of updating my template, I'm doing a full content audit of all my old posts. 

As you can imagine, 10 years worth of posts (over 1600 published) is a lot of work, so once I get past the initial copy and past of each URL into a spreadsheet (because Blogger) I'll be going through redirecting some posts to others (my first year of blog posts are pretty random, some days I posted 5 times!), updating images on lots of recipe posts, adding pinterest-friendly images to others, and generally brushing up the place. 

I don't expect to be finished for at least a year, although my goal is all cookie recipe posts to be updated by Christmas (then I'll work on one year a month once school starts back next year.) If you're on Wordpress and want to do your own content audit, here's a post that can help you.

hello memory keeping I stumbled on a pile of scrapbook pages recently and was reminded just how much I love capturing our memories and taking the time to craft pages for them. But with Steve away, it isn't always easy to head out of the house to attend a session at my local scrapbooking store.

So when the stars align and he's home just in time for a 12 hour crop, you can bet I've got my skates on to book quickly! And let's be honest, a day away from the weekend noise of the house will just be the recharge that this mumma needs.

hello baking Over the weekend I baked some biscuits. I've baked so many muffins over the last 6 months that I'd forgotten just how easy biscuits can be to make. With Christmas just around the corner (only 63 sleeps) it's time to start making lots more biscuits!

hello Monday, a new start every week



  1. I love the idea of "dad's beach". I spent the day in Santa Cruz today, by the ocean. It made me remember how nice it is to listen to the sea.
    I can't believe that you HTML coded your own blog. Those are some excellent skills that you have! I can hardly remember the tiny bit of code that I learnt in high school, so it's blogger all the way for me. The new template is lovely though! I am so indecisive when it comes to design. As soon as I install a new template I decide that I don't like it.

  2. Love the new look blog! You will have earned that 12 hour crop when Steve is back home to take over the parenting. Enjoy every minute!
    I really enjoy your recipe posts and wonder if you have any ideas for biscuit/cookie recipes that are egg and dairy free. Leo has a severe egg allergy and possible milk allergy. We can cope with the milk by using oat milk but finding sweet treats that have no egg in them is harder to do.

  3. I love making biscuits around Christmas time! Enjoy your 12 hour crop!
    Thinking about overhauling my blog gives me a headache, I think I'll leave it for another day! lol Good on you for getting stuck in, it looks great x

  4. Love the new look to the blog Cate and your pic on the right hand side is smashing! Thanks for linking up for LifeThisWeek 41/52. Next week: Travel Tales


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