Friday, 29 December 2017

GROWTH and ACTION - perfect partners for One Little Word®

Inside - my journey through GROWTH to ACTION in 2018

Just over twelve months ago, as I walked around my local scrapbook shop, the word GROWTH jumped out of the shelves towards me. I can't even remember what word I had been thinking about listening to before then, but as the year moved forward, GROWTH turned out to be the perfect word for me.

But until recently, I spent most of 2017 paralysed by fear and overanalysis. Working through GROWTH seemed to send me down a path of comparisonitis and insecurity that I needed to work though to get to the other side.
So as December approached, I could feel CONSISTENCY calling me.

This is my tenth year choosing a word, and if I've learnt anything in that time it's that the first word that springs to mind isn't necessarily the best fit. So I look around, see what's happening with my life, how family life is going, explore definitions and the thesaurus, and pay attention to what words others are talking about.

As I pondered all these things, I realised that what I needed more than consistency was to stop thinking about doing things and start taking ACTION.

To take that camping trip we've been talking about for 3 years.

To get consistent creating videos.

To sort out the mess that is our storage shed.

To finish all those draft posts sitting in my back end. 

To TAKE ACTION with my life again.

Do you choose a guiding word for the year?

2017 Wrap Up Linky below - if you've written a best of post, about your word for 2017 or 2018, or your goals for 2018, please link below. 

Link up will be open for one week.

Please take a moment to visit other linkers.


1 comment

  1. I loved your videos! Action is a great choice, no more procrastinating- that would be good for me too!


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