Monday, 26 February 2018

Taking Stock in February

Inside - joining Denyse Whelan to take stock of life right now

Making : plans for a million things that may never be executed

Cooking : lunch recipes for a blog post that I've been putting together for a few weeks now

Drinking : always lots of water

Reading: A Wrinkle in Time, because the movie looks spectacular, but if I don't read the book first I probably never will
Wanting: cool weather to hang around longer this year

Looking: for a new washing machine as ours has finally died an inglorious death

Playing: The Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat in the car and house. The kids are enthralled with it as well.

Wasting: time by scrolling Facebook endlessly

Sewing: Riley has asked me for a library bag. He's never had one (made by me) before. It's kind of a pain to drag the machine out, clear space to create, find fabric, etc, but I'm itching to get it happening later this week.

Wishing: I had the confidence to move beyond the noise in my head

Enjoying: discovering Netflix. I know. Hugely late to the party, but getting an Apple TV over the weekend has made this a much easier pastime.

Waiting: to find out when Steve will be home - will it be before or after Natalie's birthday next week?

Liking: what Bron is doing with her new website

Wondering: what outside noise has my dogs all stressed and barky today

Loving: writing again
Hoping: I can sneak off to a scrapbooking weekend soon

Marvelling: at how resilient all 3 of my girls are, overcoming struggles every day

Needing: to eat lunch

Smelling: my ACTION blend

Wearing: tatty slippers very much in need of replacing

Noticing: the busy neighbourhood noises when there's no daytime TV

Knowing: I can do it.

Thinking: about why my triglycerides test would have been sky high last week, and how to bring it down again.

Feeling: lucky that I can buy a new washing machine within days of the old one breaking down

Bookmarking: this post and this post

Opening: all the emails this lady and this lady send

Giggling: at disappearing children... Yesterday I was watching TV and Sophie was sitting at her table playing schools as she does most days. She disappeared from view, so I assumed she'd gone off to play with the kids. About 20 minutes later I heard this tapping and hopped up to check, only to discover her curled up at the foot of the couch, sound asleep! I giggled madly (and woke her up accidentally) She went back to sleep for another hour.

Feeling: excited for the week ahead and getting.things.done.

1 comment

  1. What a gorgeous story about Sophie. School (in real life!) is very tiring for the new startes. I hope you get your washing machine soon, your family would be needing that asap. Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek 9/52. Next week's optional prompt is Share Your Snaps 2.


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