Monday, 12 March 2018

Hello Monday

hello cool weather. I love that the weather has turned in Queensland. It's been quite a few years since March has actually felt like autumn, and while the humidity is high from the rain, making it muggy, it still feels a lot cooler than January. [Was a cool 20°C walking the kids to school this morning.]

hello coffee dates. Saturday was my monthly book club meet up. Only one friend was able to make it this month, and we had a wonderful couple of hours catch up. As I left, I realised that catching up with friends has slid down my priority list. Even making it to book club each month has slipped. But that one on one time was amazing. So I need to prioritise more of it.

hello birthday week. This morning I taught the kids how to take someone's age from the current year to work out how old the person is. And then they guessed that I was 46. [I'll be 44 on Wednesday}

hello Netflix. We've only had Netflix for a couple of weeks, but have discovered a deep abiding love for it already. While a lot of recommended shows from others were shows that we've already seen via Foxtel, we've been able to fill our lists with shows we want to catch up on (hello, Gilmore Girls!), and find some unexpected gems to binge on. [Currently Steve and I are enjoying Crossing Lines, and I'm loving Designated Survivor.]

hello walking. In an effort to spend time together, we've been exploring local walking tracks. It's been an interesting activity to do, balancing small legs against old legs, and weather has held us back this past week, but it gets us out of the house, and into action, which I think is something we all needed to do.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

linking with Denyse Whelan


  1. I'm only just back at the gym after a few weeks off after having a virus...I feel like I've lost all progress that I'd made!

  2. Hey there my much younger birthday twin! Hope you have a lovely day on Wednesday x

  3. That sounds like a lovely start to your birthday week! Happy Birthday for tomorrow!! Thanks for linking up for #lifethisweek 11/52. Next week's optional prompt is "From My Window I See..." Denyse


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