Monday, 28 May 2018

Hello Monday

hello June. I can see you poking out at the end of this week. June means school holidays and two birthdays and winter is finally on her way to Queensland (although I had my heater on over the weekend, the house was cold!)

hello dust. With a kitchen reno comes dust. We've struggled with dust upstairs since we put the big airconditioner in two years ago, but now we're dealing with brick dust downstairs, which is finding a way upstairs. That means housework!

hello scrapbooking. I was going to go to a crop day on the weekend, but after 3 weeks at home, Steve was sent to Sydney for work. So I cancelled my plans, and dreamed of spending the day at home scrapping. Alas, I did housework and netflix'd instead. But this morning I remembered that I'm the only one who can make me do it, so I came home from school and created a layout. And I'm going to do the same again tomorrow. And the day after. And so on.

hello pantry sorting. I realised late last week that the kids only look at the front half of the shelf with school snacks on it, because it's down too low for them to see easily (heaven forbid they bend over!) So I decided the quickest way to fix the issue was rearrange the pantry. Which Natalie is desperate to help me with.

hello clean house. It probably won't stay clean very long, but after a big vacuum session on Saturday, and bribing Natalie and Riley to finally clean their rooms, it's been lovely to wake up to a clean lounge room this week.

hello action. This weekend of action through housework, and then this morning through scrapbooking has reminded me that I am the only one who can take the action I want to take. I'm terrible at letting the MindShit creep in and allowing inertia take over (hello netflix!), but if I truly want to move forward, I need to take those steps, one at a time.

hello routines. I always thought I hated routines, that I couldn't stick to them because for the last ten years I've had babies that didn't seem to like routines. But as I look closer at our days and how we move through them, I realise we all thrive when we have some structure to the steps we take. So I'm looking at better routines for using my school-hours days, as well as some big picture family time routines (weekends have become far too reliant on gadget time lately.)

hello Monday, a new start every week.

linking with One Mother Hen

What are you saying hello to this Monday? 


  1. I've been meaning to start scrapbooking for years now lol! The lure of Netflix is just too great though. I'm addicted to so many shows :)

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  2. What a great bit of advice. I, for one, feel the same and usually end up doing things just to get them behind me. How great that you got so much organized and done.


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