Tuesday, 5 June 2018

3 reasons you should become friends with your neighbours dog

Inside - the neighbour's dog is driving you mad with barking, how do you stop it quickly?

"Yip, yip"

The new neighbours have a new dog.

Only 8 weeks old when she was brought home, she's a tiny ball of fluff next to Daisy and Gus.

And as dogs do, they go mad every time they hear her

Thump down the stairs, it's a rush to be first to stand in the corner of the yard closest to her fence, and then the barking begins.

"Yip, yip" says the ball of fluff.

"woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof" yell Daisy and Gus in a cacophony of noise and bravado.

I told the new neighbours again yesterday to just tell them off.

"No", she said "it just wouldn't feel right."

But here's why I think she's wrong.

You'll be neighbours for a long time.

Even if it's only a year or two, that's a long time in a dog's life. Dogs are pack animals, and want their people to be the boss of them. So if there's a human around who isn't taking control of the situation, how will dogs react? They'll bark madly at the interloper in their space.

By talking to your neighbour's dog, you become a pack leader to them.

You can help support training behaviours.

When Daisy was attending dog school (which she subsequently failed) the instructor mentioned that she also cares for dogs in her home when people go away, but only dogs that have been through her school. This was because she knew how they had been trained, and could use the same words with them.

By talking to your neighbour's dog, you can reinforce training and learning behaviours.

You are able to help in emergencies.

We all know stuff happens. People can get hurt, kids get farmed out to relatives, but that isn't always possible with dogs.

By talking to your neighbour's dog, you can help out when things go wrong.

Now, not everyone is a dog person. There are actually people in this world who do't like dogs at all. But I still think that it's important to get to know your neighbour's dog, and for them to get used to you. Otherwise how can you enjoy time in your yard if there's always a dog barking at you?

Do you have a dog? Are they well-trained, or school failures like mine?

Linking with Kylie Purtell.


  1. Love this advice. If more people stepped outside of themselves and realised we are all in this together, life becomes that much easier.

  2. That is so true and we are not disconnected from each other. A dog sure is a pack animal and we had our dog trained somewhat around this notion but she was a highly anxious dog. Sadly she died after almost 10 years but she taught me a lot. I won't be getting any more pets but I do understand that they are most marvellous companions for humans. Denyse #teamIBOT

  3. I've found dogs who pass puppy school are worse behaved! I think some owners see puppy school as training being done and then never reinforce it. I use tone a lot with my dog.

  4. Absolutely agree! We have an elderly neighbour who often talks to our Ruby through the fence while we are out. Ruby is a barker, too, and our neighbour always confesses to us when she’s told her off on our behalf, which we love!

  5. This is such a great post! My neighbour's cat often wanders its way over to our place, but I've never 'met' their dogs. I'll have to make sure I put introducing myself on the list.


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