Monday, 4 June 2018

Around Here

Around here, winter is finally poking her head out.

Around here, tantrums reign after school, and Sophie is exhausted.

Around here, we have two birthdays this month - Steve is 56 next weekend, and Sophie turns 5 at the end of the month.

Around here, I am loving starting my days with creativity.

Around here, my big camera needs a repair, so I'm reduced to my iPhone.

Around here, I'm trying to get better about using my essential oils every day.

Around here, Steve has just left for 3 weeks away after only being home for the weekend.

Around here, I'm window shopping for new appliances so I can budget to buy them.

Around here, I'm researching teens and drinking after Douglas trusted me enough to tell me he and his mates have been drinking.

Around here, I cook breakfast on school days, but not on weekends.

Around here, Sophie is visiting the dentist this week, and she's excited to sit in the chair (it's taken over 6 months to get her to this stage, so I'll call it a win!)

Around here, I'm planning breakfasts and lunches alongside our evening meal plan, in hopes of getting some children to eat better.

Around here, I need to pull out my sewing machine and make some coats for fur-friends.

Around here, it's Monday, a new start every week.

What's happening around here at your place?

Linking with Denyse Whelan.


  1. Around here it's my first week of retirement! It still seems a bit unreal, but I think I'll soon get into a new way of life. I've already discovered some lovely country pubs that do discounted meals for those of us who are over 60 - guess how I plan to spend my summer days? ;-)

    1. sounds like a fabulous way to spend summer!

  2. I hear you on how hard after-school tantrums are. At school she has been 'good' all day long, and she is still relatively young, so SCHOOL is a very big experience for her...and at home, she can unwind and 'relax' where she is safe. Unfortunately for you I understand. Hope things improve soon.

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek 23/52.
    Next Week’s Optional Prompt: 24/52. The M-Z of Me. 11/6/18.
    Denyse x

  3. Around here, I'm finally finding my feet after a year (maybe two if I'm really looking!) of reflection and removing the dead weight. It's nice.


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