Monday 18 June 2018

Hello Monday

Inside - saying hello to Monday has become a way of overcoming Mondayitis and embracing the week ahead. I use it as an opportunity to share snippets of right now, as well as set goals for the week ahead, and remind myself of upcoming events.

hello heater. I think the current cold snap we're feeling in Queensland is being felt across Australia. Chloe tells me it's freezing in Tasmania, and it was colder in Julia Creek this morning, where Steve has been based all weekend, than it was in Brisbane. I'll happily turn my heater on all day for that level of cold.

hello cheese melts. Cold weather brings pumpkin soup, which brings cheese melts and the memory of how awesome cheese melts can be after a long day at work or school. Even better on thick sliced bread (my dad used to call them doorstops, not that he ever ate cheese melts.)

hello exam week. Douglas only has a couple of exams this week, because he isn't following a university path, but he's had to learn all about using his time effectively over the last few weeks while he juggled study and finishing assignments. Maybe mum was right about not leaving things to the last minute?

hello police fine. I'm embarrassed to say I got dinged by the police this morning, outside the school grounds as I was dropping Natalie back. It was my own fault, and I told the officer that. I did something, knowing it was wrong, and got hit with a $201 fine.

hello high school enrolment. Natalie had her high school enrolment interview this morning. I've been saying to people that it's almost like another big milestone for all of us - Chloe went first, and was in year 12 the year Douglas went as one of the last grade 7s in Queensland, and now he will be in year 12 as Natalie moves into the secondary system. (I just totally worked out that Riley will be in grade 10 when Sophie starts high school.)

hello BOGO week. The oily world is all aflutter with news that this week is BOGO (Buy One Get One) week. It's a great way to get oils for free, but can be hard with not much notice (it was announced on Saturday), and payment being required straight away. I try not to get carried away in the excitement from my oily friends, and use it as an opportunity to learn more about the oils and actually use them myself. (you can follow my oily instagram or facebook for more information about my learnings.)

hello research. Every now and again, I hit on a topic for a post that requires me to do more research. I try hard not to get lost down the rabbit warren of google, but finding new ideas can be inspiring, especially when you stumble on something you'd never considered before. At the moment I'm researching productivity and routines.

hello school sports day. I'm not a sporty person. And most of my kids are encouraged to have a go, but they aren't particularly sporty (although Nat was surprised at just how much she enjoyed netball.) So when Sophie's teacher asked for parent helpers for sports day, I was keen to put my hand up and have a go helping all the kids, rather than just sitting and watching from the sidelines. (The cold wind has me having second thoughts, sports day is this Wednesday)

hello Monday, a new start every week.

What are you saying hello to today?

Linking up with Denyse Whelan and One Mother Hen


  1. We call those thick slices of bread 'doorstops' too! And I agree, what a wonderful comforting snack melted cheese on toast can be. Have you ever tried it with a poached egg on top too?
    What a milestone you have coming up, it seems like Natalie was tiny when I first 'met' you in blogland. And now Douglas is ready to leave - oh my goodness!
    It's weird to think that you are coming into your winter when we are just starting to believe that Summer is on its way. We've had some fab weather and I love it when we have long, light evenings too. Hope your winter isn't too harsh this year!

  2. This is definitely soup, cheese melts and heater weather. It is currently 9C here but feels like 6C. I hate to think what my electricity bill will be this month.
    stopping via LifeThisWeek.

  3. Oh yes, hello cheese melts and all the hot food! Sounds like interesting research you're doing.

  4. Oh yes, cheese melts..yummy. One day I will eat them again too. No good about the fine. Bugger.
    Very interesting about the school system and changes.
    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt 26/52 is Thank a Teacher.

  5. How simple and awesome are cheese toasties?! I've just polished off half a block of dark raspberry chocolate with my afternoon cuppa, darn cold weather. Makes me want to eat all the comfort stuff, I'll be rolling into spring!


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