Monday, 6 August 2018

Hello Monday

Inside - Hello Monday is a semi-regular blog series about kicking Mondayitis to the curb and embracing the week ahead through sharing goals, plans and ideas for the week ahead.

hello August. Winter is shrugging off her hold on Queensland, leaves are starting to fall from the trees (because they're weird like that) and the slightest hint of spring is appearing in the magpies. Hello August.

hello crazy big idea. So if you've been around these parts for any length of time you know I'm a little bit Christmas crazy. With just 141 sleeps to Christmas, I decided that it was finally time to share the Christmas love with everyone, and keep you organised at the same time. So I'm creating a Christmas planner. To sell. (and terrifying myself in the process.)

hello affirmations. Part of my Sunday process is to set up my bullet journal for the week ahead. Last year I used affirmations in each weekly setup, but this year I've been using quotes related to my One Little Word™ ACTION. The quotes have been great for inspiration, but my brain is looking for a bit of extra support as I step into something that scares me to death. (If you use affirmations, tell me your favourite, please!)

hello productivity. I listened to a great podcast last week that explained tasks based on the rock/pebbles/sand analogy, which made perfect sense to my brain. I had an aha moment when the pebbles were explained as important not urgent on the Eisenhower Matrix. Now I understand why the experts say you should focus on that area to be productive.

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hello spring cleaning. It's that time of year where I look around me and realise it's been some time since I've done any big cleaning jobs (and dream of someone else doing them.) It's time to scrub the walls, clean the skirting, and wash the windows, ready for them to get dirty again. Starting with the toilet, because it feels like the easiest room.

hello dentist. We've had some up and down months with lots of dentist visits for Douglas and Sophie. And now Steve and I both need to stop putting it off, and get some stuff sorted. (realistically, neither of us will do it for a bit longer, as we want the kitchen installed ASAP) This week Douglas is off to get a filling that didn't quite work pulled out and a temporary filling put in, in the hopes of saving the tooth from needing a root canal.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

Linking with Denyse Whelan.


  1. Christmas planner sounds like a great idea! Hello BIG IDEA indeed.

  2. It always takes me a while to realise that while we are still in the throes of Summer, you are welcoming the end of Winter!
    Sorry to hear about Douglas' tooth, my husband has just had to have a root canal following a 'let's see if a filling will work' situation. Wasn't pleasant at the time but he's pain free now! I always make myself stick to the 6 monthly check ups exactly even though I hate going, I can understand how you might be able to find lots of other things to spend your money on!

  3. Gosh it is a reality Christmas is coming ...each time the calendar ticks over to August. Good on you for your planner idea.
    It is National Dental Week and I hope you do get to the dentist. I know I was a regular every 6 months person and my cancer was pretty slow growing but it was via the dentist that it was found. I don't mention going to the dentist because of cancer...I just know mouth health is very important! Good luck to you too.

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek Next week's optional prompt is "Famous People I Have Met". Denyse

  4. 141 days to Christmas? ALREADY? It was literally just Christmas, I swear. Ugh. That means my birthday's close and I was trying to stretch this one is out! #LifeThisWeek


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