Saturday, 1 September 2018

How to Save Time, Money and Energy by Planning for Christmas Now

Inside - Now September is here, it's time to start planning for Christmas, and save time, money and energy as the season draws closer.

It's the start of Spring in the Southern hemisphere.

And it's 115 days to Christmas.

I know, I can hear my mum yelling now "Cate, stop!"

But starting the Christmas planning now really makes the difference to the next few months.

(And let me tell you, after joining a few Christmas groups on Facebook, I'm not as crazy about Christmas as some people!)

By planning for Christmas now, you can spread the weight across your budget. 

You'll know what foods you need to buy.

And what gifts you should be looking for in the shops.

If your house needs some TLC, you can get it done before guests arrive.

And you can send Christmas cards on December 1st. 

By planning for Christmas now, you can find time for all the things you want to do.

The traditional visit to Santa.

And checking out all the lights in your street.

There's room for all the end of year activities.

And you won't forget any birthdays in the lead up.

By planning for Christmas now, you can conserve energy when the kids need a break.

And say no to another night of after work drinks.

You'll know when guests are arriving,

and it's time for a family movie Sunday.

By planning for Christmas now, you can slow time from speeding by

And recharge when you need a break

You can buy new ornaments if you need them

And have a fun filled, stress free Christmas Day.

All because you have a plan.


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