Monday, 27 January 2020

Hello Monday

Inside - hello Monday is a semi regular series changing how we talk about the start of a new week. 

hello back to school. 

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only mum breathing a sigh of relief that the end is in sight now. This post from Mia Freedman says it much more eloquently than I ever could.

hello new volunteer role. 

I applied (and was accepted) for a new volunteer role late last year. It works hand in hand with my current roles, and I'm super excited (and a little terrified) about it. I head off to a training and planning weekend this Friday to meet the rest of the team and plan out 2020.

hello sewing machine. 

I've spent some time getting reacquainted with my machine this summer, making some purse organisers from this Sew Can She pattern.

hello work. 

I waited breathlessly at the end of last year for someone to realise that they didn't need me for my job any more, but it turns out that I've been given more responsibility this year, so I'm heading off tomorrow with the kids for a return to routine.

hello library books. 

Our local library was rebuilt last year, and after years of not visiting, the kids and I headed off a couple of weeks ago, renewed our accounts, got new cards, and borrowed some books. And this week they're counting down to our return to get more books. If it gets them reading, I'll add it to our regular weekly schedule!

hello decluttering.

I had a vague plan last year to go through our house room by room and sort everything. It never happened. This year, I still have the same plan, but this time it's written down, broken down by room, and cupboard, into simple, small, actionable steps.

hello music. 

Spotify has changed the way I listen to music, and the music that I listen to. I've been able to find heaps of songs that I grew up singing (and was surprised to find a couple of those songs on my teen's playlist!), and been exposed to a whole new range of songs that fill my days with music.

hello Monday, a new start every week.



  1. So proud of you for making those at work realise they can't do without you - well done Cate!
    I'm just off to check the link to that sewing pattern - it sounds like a useful thing to make.

  2. You've clearly done very well in your job - many congratulations! And all kudos to you for taking on an additional role, and I hope it's interesting and fulfilling. Reading, listening to music, and decluttering (I guess the last two can be done in tandem!) sound very worthwhile aims.


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