Monday, 1 June 2020

Hello June

Saying hello to the new month ahead

blue background with purple text, hello June

hello cooler weather

Queensland loves putting on an unexpected weather show. But June is the time of year where the skies are clear and blue, and the cold winds from down south flow through our skies, bringing the temperatures right down. Perfect jeans and boots weather, with the sun shining!

hello routine

After the weirdness of the last couple of months, June brings routine with kids back at school, meetings locked in for the month, clarity around my work role and how it meshes with my volunteer roles, and a couple of cake days.

hello synchronicity

the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
When I was at uni, I was involved in the community engagement board of the university for a couple of years. As I tend to do, I spent a lot of time researching (in those early days of Google) what community or social engagement was, why it was important, and how grassroots organisations can build through those relationships that they build. I unexpectedly realised last week that it is these very same things that I'm doing in both my work and volunteer roles, though in a school setting.

hello strengths

I am a lover of personality tests. A big part of personal development is self awareness, being aware of who you are and how you are in the world. Personality tests help understand those little quirks that make us who we are. One of the first tests I took was the VIA Character test. I recently took it again, and was pleasantly surprised to see that my strengths have moved around, but are still mostly in the same order. My top 5 are honesty, kindness, love of learning, prudence and gratitude.

hello strengths planning

As I was looking over my strengths on the weekend, I stumbled on the idea of strengths planning. The idea is you focus on using one strength each week, and notice strengths in other people. With the start of a new month, it sounds like an interesting way to pay attention to yourself.

hello baking

Just before Easter, my oven died. As the world was entering lockdown and baking was trending on Google, I was struggling to cook dinner for the family every night. Then we unexpectedly sold an unregistered car, and were able to buy a new oven. But I haven't made using it a priority. This month I want to have a go at making eclairs, and macarons. I've made eclairs before, and love the process of making choux pastry, but macarons have always been on the maybe one day list. I guess it's one day!

hello house cleaner

I think crunch time has finally arrived, and I need a house cleaner. After spending the weekend cleaning the grimy cupboards, walls and floors in several rooms, I've realised even more how much I hate (and resent) that housecleaning seems to have fallen to me. I'm thinking for now I'll pay Douglas to do all those jobs I hate, but by next year I'll be scouting the neighbourhood for someone to come in at least weekly.

Hello June, a new month in front of us.

What are you top 5 strengths?


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