Sunday, 12 October 2008

sunday stuff....

Yep, Saturday ended up being a better day... how can it go wrong with friends and scrapping ~lol~ Last night I got a journal covered for my Christmas journal, a September summary LO almost finished, and one LO finished except for bling... {haven't photographed them, will do it tomorrow - if I have any hair left by the end of the day}

Just got back from dropping the big girl - her dad can't tell time, and was almost an hour late, which would have been okay if we hadn't been thirty minutes early!! Oh, well, Nat had a good sleep in the car, and traffic wasn't too bad coming home... but no corned silverside for tea, it's too late to put it on... we'll have it tomorrow night instead.


1 comment

  1. Hey there Cate!

    I just wanted to thank you for putting my blog on your blogroll. I appreciate the attention!

    you've been tagged!



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