Saturday, 5 December 2009


I made this calendar for the kids last year. I had never really introduced Chloe to advent calendars, so it was the first year I tried it. It was a dismal failure! I put chocolates in the socks, doubling up for the weekends that Chloe was home, but forgetting about my niece and nephew, and the "almost-toddler" who was then developing mum's sweet tooth. I think by day three all the chocolates had been eaten - and everyone swore that someone else had done it!

So, this year, I had to take a different path. In the spirit of recycling, I'm using the same calendar (and the kids love it, so I think we might keep it going for years to come), and the socks are filled with little activities for the kids to complete each day. I've never quite figured out the whole counting up/counting down thing, so our calendar starts at one and ends at twenty-four. I think it will take a while before the kids question if that is the right way or not.

Here is the full list of activities:
  1. do some Christmas colouring in
  2. read a Christmas story to Natalie
  3. make cards for your scout leaders
  4. decorate the tree
  5. write a letter to Santa
  6. do some Christmas colouring in
  7. read a Christmas story to Natalie
  8. make a card for your teacher
  9. make white rocky road for your school party
  10. listen to some Christmas music
  11. watch "Mickey's Once upon a Christmas"
  12. make fudge
  13. sing loudly at Carols by Candlelight
  14. read a Christmas story to Natalie
  15. take some groceries to the "empty tree"
  16. make paper chains
  17. watch "the Santa clause"
  18. check out the Christmas lights
  19. bake some Christmas cookies
  20. present shopping for siblings
  21. decorate Santa sacks
  22. make table centrepieces
  23. make Christmas crackers
  24. watch Carols by Candlelight on tv


  1. aww those socks are darling! my advent is also filled with things to do. it is fun to turn them all over and be reminded of things that could be otherwise lost within the bustle of the season.

  2. I think I might steal your idea for next year because my kids have two choc filled advents each, one at each house. Not a great idea for teeth. Next year they can have one at Dad's house and we can do stuff here. Gorgeous socks. And I love your list. I'm taking them to the Movies at Southbank and when I get over there I might take them to the one at Bracken Ridge too. Should be interesting.

  3. Oh and I always thought it was a count-down to Christmas so I always started at 24.

  4. love that advent calendar! looks great.


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