Friday, 4 December 2009


Every year we are bombarded with magazines touting the "perfect" Christmas/recipe/craft/decorating idea. {Is it the same in every country?} I'm a sucker for Christmas, and for magazines, so that combination is the best way to get me to buy magazines (although I'm trying to be good this year, and only buy the usual magazines I buy each month, without any extras - so far I'm failing dismally ~lol~)

But, despite the mountains of magazines telling me how-to-do-Christmas-properly, the only real help I get from them is the occasional recipe that I *might* actually cook for the big day. The perfect Christmas, to me, is the one where my kids still believe, and we just spend a lazy day together. This year I'm *hoping* to achieve that - it's the first year we haven't had any extended family joining us, it's just the 6 of us.


  1. You're an early bird!You did fourth prompt! Great!

  2. I love Christmas Magazines. Never make anything - but they are important for the Christmas spirit:)


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