Saturday, 12 December 2009


We have lots of traditions at Christmas time... most, in fact all, of them are traditions that I bring to our family, or we have started doing since we've been together. Little things like choosing a new ornament for the tree each, or eating the same breakfast (buttermilk hotcakes with blueberry syrup), making fudge that mum forgets to put out on the day and then everyone eats through the holidays, but the most visible tradition before anything else is the tshirts. Every year, we all get new tshirts, and take photos in them. Steve and I have a large pile of tshirts to wear, he tends to wear his all year round, but the kids outgrow the tshirts each year and need new ones (although there is a light bulb going off in this hoarder's brain saying "wouldn't a Christmas tshirt quilt be an awesome present to hand the little boy/girl for their 18th Christmas?")

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