Monday, 1 March 2010

{53 Mondays} #9

Don't forget my giveaway here, you have until 9.59am AEST March 1st (11.59pm GMT Feb 28th) to enter!

Have you checked out my new blog layout? And the new colour combinations? I'm liking the clean, white, 2-column look, and the purples and greens look great together! I discovered the other day while fiddling with photoshop that you can convert youur photos to pixel sizes for web viewing, so I'm exploring that option. For now, unless otherwise noted, photos are converted to 4x6 canvases (although the new blogger editor has some buttons for resizing photos, so I might play with that, too, I'd love to have my photos filling the whole column)


I mentioned at the start of February that I had signed up for a self-paced class from BPS, Project SYS, so on Friday morning I created my journal from the downloads. I have yet to finish reading all the worksheets and acting on them, but this will make it a little easier to keep the worksheets away from little hands (which we have plenty of in this house!) I'm looking forward to the Celebrations class starting, I'm pretty good at keeping organised when I have events to plan, but it will be nice to have a central loaction for everything, and some extra ideas to keep me motivated. After all, we have a big first birthday later this year, and I'm already making plans!

{this is only my 6th 53 Mondays post, but I'm going to start numbering them by the week of the year, to give myself a little more organisation, and maybe make them easier to find. This week is week 9}


  1. I do like your new blog format! Is this a template available in Blogger? Or one that you custom designed? Mine is similar, but my post column isn't as wide as I'd like it to yours.

    You are getting SO organized here lately! Good for you.


  2. Thanks for visiting my blog....looking forward to catching up with you in class.


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