Monday, 1 March 2010

and the winner is....

I could never figure out how to make a screen print picture, until Blogging for Scrapbookers, when someone said you have to paste it into a document first... but they never expanded on what to do next, so I have a screen print of my random number, but can't share it with you!


Only seven people entered (is that an indication of the number of readers I have or don't have, or did people just not like my giveaway, or was there some other reason?)

And the winner is... lucky number seven! Deb, that's you! I've got your address already, so my little parcel of yumminess will be winging it's way to you by the end of the week! Congratulations!


  1. I thought it was a fabulous giveaway and I'm really quite sorry it wasn't me :) Congratulations Deb!

  2. What?!?! REALLY?!?!? OMG, I am SO excited!!! Thank you, Cate!!! :o)

  3. When I do sceen prints, I usually hit "print screen" then open up paint (or any photo program), paste, and then you can save it as a jpg :)

    Congrats Deb!!!


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