Tuesday, 12 October 2010

only 75 sleeps...

... until all the stress we I put ourselves myself through is over, and we I can sit back and relax.

I know that sounds kind-of cynical, but last year for the first time ever I heard "what else is there?" from Chloe. For someone who doesn't believe in the magic of Santa anymore, she expected more than she got, which made me very sad. (And after hearing the list of what she got from her dad and relatives, I'm not surprised she expects the same from us)

Without giving too much away today (because I have grand plans to keep up with Journal Your Christmas this year, and blog every day of December), in keeping with my word for the year - change - this year is going to be different.

This year, I'm going to make at least 4 gifts per child.
This year, I'm going to have everything wrapped before Christmas Eve.
This year, I'm going to blog/journal every day of December.
This year, my mum will be with us for Christmas Day.
This year, Chloe and Douglas and Natalie can help with meals.
This year, I'm going to remember to take a family photo.
This year, I'm going to put the camera down and enjoy the day.

Have you started to make plans for Christmas?


  1. Well, we've started counting the sleeps here too, if that counts as a plan!

  2. Oh yes, I'm in week 2 of my 12 week countdown. I'm making gifts and cards and cookies and having fun! I love Christmas!

  3. Well, Cate, I like the list you have set for yourself! I have started thinking about Christmas and have actually started working on a few gifts that I'm making. I'm really excited about the holidays this year!

  4. Great list! I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Christmas too. Sometimes it feels like more work than joy. And I hate to look at it that way. So . . . a good plan is the way to go! Like you, I try to get started early and then sit back a little around the holidays and breathe in the joy.

  5. Now that sounds like a really good plan!


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