Tuesday, 7 December 2010

#reverb10 - 7

Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, this year? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?

This is another prompt that has my heart a-flutter... Can I be honest, and answer truthfully, or will I write it, and leave it sitting as a draft file for the next few months? (The "letting go" prompt is hanging, waiting to be deleted, because I'm not sure if I can finish writing it, and lay my soul bare for all the world to see.)

The quickest, most honest answer is that I don't have a community. Yes, I spend a lot of time hanging around on facebook, but it's only been in the last week or so that I actually communicate with people through facebook - I have mostly posted status updates, and commented on others' posts. When I lost my scrap-mojo last year I dropped off the scrapping forum I loved; as Riley has gotten older I've struggled to keep up with other September mums on the parenting forum we all met on.

In 2011, I'd like to create a crafty community that gathers regularly. I'd like a playgroup community for the kids to play at. I'd like to cultivate my blog community.


  1. Cultivating your blog community really does have its rewards - go on, come and say hello: I'd love to see you!

  2. Soul bearing is liberating :) Just saying ...

    Cultivate your communities! I'm learning to engage rather than speaking "at" via Facebook. I do prefer my growing bloggy community and hope to engage more next year.

  3. I believe that "communities" have definitely changed in our world, but the internet does provide an outlet to keep in touch. All the best in your quest to cultivate your own community, Cate.

  4. I ALWAYS found community to be difficult when my kids were very young. It's as if that IS your community - all little people. It's tough to find time and energy to cultivate other relationships.

    I encourage you to hang in there and believe that it will get better (and easier) as your season of life changes...it has happened that way for me!

    Meanwhile, being intentional about being a friend will bear rewards - whether online or in person!

    Blessings to you!


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