Wednesday, 13 April 2011

what do you wish you knew?

My grandma turns 80 in October.

{six weeks before she turned 75}

I don't know much about my gran (beyond the obvious), but I wish I did. After watching this video, I'm even more determined to create something for her to fill in for me, so I have her story written down. Then I'm going to give one to my mum, dad (if I can find him), and fill one out myself. This is why we scrapbook, to share our story.

{found via this blog}

What questions would you ask your grandparents?


  1. I have neither grandparents nor parents any more and every now and again I do think of things I would like to ask, so before it is too late, get asking those questions!
    Thanks for your hint re phone photos on my blog - I never knew you could do that - brilliant!

  2. What a lovely gentleman, tfs. I regret not having more of the stories and everyday parts of my grandparents and other realtives' lives. I always have good intentions of doing some "interviewing" of my parents and siblings but never get to it. You have helped give me the push I need, I have the perfect opportunity over Easter holiday. Thanks, Cate!

  3. Just this week I've been wondering how my Grandma got her first name (Rutha). I never thought to ask her and now she's gone. I'm teaching a Bible Study on Ruth and it got me thinking about Grandma.

  4. Very inspirational piece of video-TFS! Thanks for dropping by my Blog today...have just read your'about me' and I can't believe there's another series of books BETTER that 'Twilight'-must check that out!
    Alison xx

  5. I think about this quite frequently as Granny is getting a bit "confused" these days. At 92 you can't blame her, can you?

    Anyway, I would ask about her first memories, what was her family life like as a child, what were her parents like, what is her favorite memory, where did she live and what took her to those places, did she have a favoriete teacher and who was it, what did she hope to do with her life when she was a child, what was her greatest adventure?

    I like to ask open ended questions in the hopes that it starts some great conversations and helps to get at the "heart" of the person.

    Good luck, I hope you learn things that help you understand your Gran a bit better and help you preserve her legacy. What a loving and caring person.


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