Wednesday 29 August 2012

confession time | the state of my house

The Australian internet is all a-twitter with talk of The Organised Housewife's 20 day challenge to organise & clean your home. Now, I've confessed before that I don't do housework. But I think that's about to change. These photos are straight out of the camera (and in some instances, I used the flash). I took these photos at 9am this morning, without tidying anything.

Husband's side of our bedroom. We have mastered floordrobes, but can never find anything.

My desk. Unfiled paperwork, unread magazines, stuff shoved under the desk that has no home.

Dining room. Only reasonably neat room of the house, because I clean it up so we can eat here.

Our sideboard. Where we leave our keys every night. (not visible is the floor underneath.)

Nat's room. Too many toys that we have never sorted. She currently refuses to sleep in here.

Douglas' room. He cleans this instead of doing chores. And it's all under the desk or in the wardrobe.

The hallway from Douglas' room. He threw all that stuff this morning instead of doing chores.

The entryway as you come in the front door.

The hallway behind the room at the entrance.

The kids rumpus room/our downstairs entertaining area.

The kids tv-watching area (part of the rumpus room)

Laundry. Also where the dog sleeps in summer.

Even my craft room isn't immune.

Maybe we shouldn't have converted the garage until we were ready to use the space.

A closer view of the bikes at the front of the shed.

The rest of the garage space.

The only rooms I haven't shared are the bathroom, kitchen and Chloe's room.

I also haven't made excuses for the state of each room.

I can make plenty, but at the end of the day, we are all incredibly lazy, taking the easy way out with the kids, and have too much stuff.

I understand that I won't fix this in 20 days.

But I can start.

And put good routines in place.

And make it manageable for everyone to keep it in order.

Because Steve constantly whinges about "stepping on stuff" but refuses to pick it up and move it "because no one else does".

And that attitude is filtering down to the kids.

None of us have any respect for our stuff.

And today I'm saying enough.

September sees the start of us fixing that.

All of this family.

(I have yet to inform Steve)

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  1. Look forward to seeing progress photos!!

  2. You have inspired me to subscribe to the challenge too! I definitely need tips on how to organise our lives with less stress involved. I will be looking forward to your progress pics :) xx

  3. I am following the challenge too, thanks for the reminder to take some before shots. You have been very brave in posting your photos and I am looking forward to seeing your progress ;-)

  4. Good for you for showing yoru life .. how life really is! I'm doing the challenge too, but have had ankle surgery 4 months ago and still on crutches, so it will be hard giong, but I'm willing to try. Good luck!

  5. Good on you Hun, very brave. I wish you all the best in succeeding through the challenge and beyond. I'm thinking I might take the challenge to, to help tidy and concrete routines more

  6. I saw your link earlier this week and signed up for it too (despite the fact that I am away for the first few days so will start behind everyone else anyway). Good idea to do some before pictures, can't wait to see the after ones!

  7. 20 days, you can do it!! I can't wait to see the after photos. Rachel x

  8. Good on you for wanting to change things. Your very brave putting up your photos-don't worry the Organised house will get everyone (& their houses) into tip top shape. Good luck x

  9. I think you are on the right track, Cate, getting your family involved. I love that you have a plan, and I can't wait to see your "after" photos. :o)

  10. Great first step...putting it out there and making no excuses. I truly believe getting everyone on board is key. I can't wait to see some pics later on this fall. I have a tendency to let things get out of hand and find myself overwhelmed and too depressed to move into action. This is the Year of Purging and Organizing at our house and it feels so good :)

    1. Beverly, it may well take me a year to get to the end!

  11. Fair play to u for sharing the photos. You have definately inspired me to hop over and have a look at this challenge. However long it takes for you, each step will be worth it :)

  12. Good Luck Cate..hope the family have agreed to the new systems you hope to put in place..looking forward to seeing your progress!
    Alison xx

  13. Wow go Cate! You are so crazily brave for sharing these pics, and I think every single one of us reading are truly inspired in some way to get organised and get our bums into gear around the house!
    I definately know what it feels like to be so overwhelmed with everything and then being too depressed to make a start; last night I was sitting in my loungeroom looking around at all the piles of unsorted paperwork, the thick layer of dust on everything, the books and dvds allllll over the place, the dog fur that always finds a way to cling to every surface that I hadn't vaccuumed and all of sudden, I just kinda kicked into gear and got started! I am on a crazy cleaning spree myself as of last night...I can't wait to see your 'after' photos! You can do it!!


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