Friday, 17 August 2012

currently | 05

listening to Bright Lights Bigger City by Cee Lo Green

wearing a jumper, because husband doesn't want the heater on

drinking a fresh cup of tea

thinking about whether to make a present for tomorrow's birthday party, or buy it

wishing I hadn't eaten a violet crumble at lunch time (I've hurt my tongue)

reading Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

eating nothing

wondering how to sew ribbon onto a skirt

enjoying the quiet that comes with the kids having headphones on their iGadgets

feeling ready for a camping weekend

wanting to sort out our finances so we can invest in a new camp trailer

weather warm, clear sunny days, cool nights

and a picture

wearing goggles to daycare, as you do



  1. What a lovely post. So peaceful!

  2. lmk if you enjoy Ender's Game, I loved it but usually do books in that genre :)


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