Wednesday, 31 October 2012

project real life | week one

Chances are, if you've been reading here for a while, you were surprised to read my commitment to me about project real life. And chances are that now the end of October is approaching, your thoughts started to turn to chants of "Cate never follows through on anything - project life was just another example of her failure to follow through."

Well, lose the chanty-thoughts, because I'm here to tell you that I have completed the first week of prompts, and slipped them them into the album, and journalled!

At the end of the first week, I wasn't really sure if I was going to complete any of the activities in the class. And at the end of the third week, when all I had done was download and print the prompt, I didn't know what was going wrong. So one day I just walked around the house with the prompts list, took photos, and put them on the computer.

I cropped photos, saved to USB, and printed the next day, then sat down immediately with a nice pen, a boxful of 3x4 grid cards and my stash of washi tape. (The washi tape is supposed to point to the photo that the journalling is about.)

Taking a totally words + photo approach has taken the scariness out of the class. I'm still ambivalent about the dating of pages, because class is now up to week four, and I'm about to start week two, but I'm looking at this as a completely stand-alone album, that is capturing snippets of our life right now.

Are you doing Project Life, or Project Real Life? How have you simplified your approach?

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