Wednesday 29 October 2014

blogging tips for social media

Social media is huge these days! And it's almost as scary as SEO, now that facebook works hard to get your advertising dollars. But it is a necessary part of the story, so it's worth investing some time into. {note - I don't use twitter, and know nothing about it, so I always send people to Julie's series Tips for the Twitter-curious, it almost tempted me to sign up!}

What is social media?

It is any online platform where people gather to communicate, share ideas, network.

Why is it important for my blog?

If you want to grow your blog readership, social media is important to help you connect to readers in a way that you don't on your blog.

Which platform should I use?

This is the age-old question asked by new bloggers all the time. The short answer is to use the platform that you like, and where your readers are. For most bloggers, that means that having a facebook page is the number one requirement for social media, because facebook is still where most people are. It isn't necessary to be on every platform, though, so don't spread yourself too thin.
What should I say?

I believe there's a two-fold aim to social media - to tell more of the story, and to engage people. Telling more of the story will get people engaging if you tell it in a way that resonates with them. You should make statements and ask questions, share photos that are relevant, and share other people's relevant content to your community.

Do you have a facebook page?

more reading
How to create a fantastic social media plan for writers (or anyone)  |  Peg Fitzpatrick  
How to create a winning social media strategy  |  Rebecca Radice
Social Media Branding  |  Bloggers Bazaar


  1. Thanks for this :) I have a Facebook page and twitter, but hadn't used the twitter in so long. I don't "get" twitter haha. Anyway, have forgotten my password and apparently I must have used an old work email because I am not receiving password resets on my 2 main email accounts, so it's bye bye to sand has no home in limbo land on twitter!

  2. Twitter can be very useful if you find a group of people who are interested in your niche. I had a twitter account for years before I began blogging. I loved it - it was like being at a never ending party where you could dip in and out of conversations as much as you wanted. Once I started blogging I found many of the same people would read my blog because they already 'knew' me. The trick though is to keep the account small - you can't interact with a thousand people at once.


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