Tuesday, 18 November 2014

pumpkin zucchini & feta damper

You know when you land on an idea that you love, and you finally launch it into the world, and then you get performance anxiety? That's what happened to me this week - I love the idea of Cook the Magazine, it's exciting, and something I haven't seen before. But I spent hours and hours pouring over my magazines in the last week, trying to decide what to cook next, and I couldn't.

I really struggle to make craft without a purpose, and I think that's why I was frozen - cooking without a purpose is kind-of wasteful in my book. Inspiration struck last night when I stumbled on this recipe - it's got veggies in it, so I can pretend that Natalie and Riley will eat it; it's got cheese, and who doesn't love cheese; and it was easy to make.

1.5 cups grated pumpkin
2 cloves garlic, crushed
3 cups self raising flour
75g cold butter
2 zucchini, grated
100g feta
3/4 cup milk

- cook pumpkin and garlic 3 minutes over medium heat. set aside to cool
- rub butter into flour until it resembles breadcrumbs
- squeeze liquid from zucchini
- add zucchini and pumpkin mix to flour, combine
- pour milk into a well in the middle, combine with a flat-bladed knife
- turn out of bowl and knead gently
- place dough onto lined baking tray
- bake 40min, 190ÂșC

Note - I forgot the feta.

My fussy children hate it. I knew they would. I've eaten 3 slices just today (and no chocolate), it's just hit the spot with a good burst of sweetness from the pumpkin and garlic. Steve and Douglas liked it, too. But I'll have to make it again soon, so I can see how much better it would have been if I'd remembered the feta.

{linking up with Create//Bake//Make for Fabulous Foodie Friday}



  1. Oh, that looks delicious - I will try this with some gluten-free flour ... Shame about the young ones not liking it, but hey, more for the Big Ones!

  2. What a shame not all of the kids liked it, hopefully they will come around eventually! Looking forward to following this series, I hope you have a great weekend & thanks for linking up with us.

  3. Feta on my shopping list, new garlic dug up.
    I'm ready for Australia Day come'n'try at our croquet club and your damper will be bonus!
    Biggest joy is in realising it's not just us oldies who forget ingredients. I liked your confession...good for the soul they say. I found my melted but in the microwave 2 days after I had put it in my crepe batter. Not. Kerry


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