Tuesday 31 March 2015

5 lessons from my daily walks

If you follow me on instagram or facebook, you'd have seen these purple-clad feet appear a few times over the past weeks. And if you're a long-time reader, you'll know that this isn't the first time I've declared a health journey in this space. But what you may not realise is that I've stuck with it. Procrastinator-Cate, the biggest excuse maker ever, has embraced BRAVE, and ended up somewhere new and exciting.

Along the way, I've pondered many thoughts. None of them are new ideas, but many of them are the sorts of things that you need to figure out for yourself, because you don't listen when others tell you.

  1. I've learnt patience. Even knowing change doesn't happen quickly doesn't stop you from thinking that you might be the lucky one who sees it quicker than others.
  2. I've learnt celebration. The small victories are sometimes more important than the big ones. I was so excited the day I realised I had walked all the way around our path, and talked the whole distance without puffing.
  3. I've learnt perseverance. It takes a lot to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I've been lucky so far, of a possible 45 days available to walk, I've walked for 42, but 40 of those required effort to get out the door. I keep reminding myself to take it one day at a time, and the best bit is I keep listening to me!
  4. I've learnt routine. I haven't done anything with great regularity since Sophie was born. But the routine required to get out the door each day has been a little bit of calm in the chaos of our days.
  5. I've learnt about a new friend. Sometimes sharing the journey can be pretty inspiring. Caitlin has been along for the ride for 7 weeks now, and she's noticing differences, too!
Now that the school holidays are looming, I need to figure out how to keep putting one foot in front of the other with an entourage.


  1. Very uplifting - well done on keeping going, and seeing the benefit of the changes, and I especially like the bit in 3 about you listening to you!

  2. It's that first step outside the door that is the hardest. Two weeks ago I took part in CARE Australia's Walk in Her Shoes challenge and committed to walking 50kms over the week. Knowing I had a target that I was accountable for made it easier to get up and get out...and once I did I really enjoyed the walking. But this week...I've reverted to my desk-bound ways. Well done to you for keeping it up!

  3. It's that first step outside the door that is the hardest. Two weeks ago I took part in CARE Australia's Walk in Her Shoes challenge and committed to walking 50kms over the week. Knowing I had a target that I was accountable for made it easier to get up and get out...and once I did I really enjoyed the walking. But this week...I've reverted to my desk-bound ways. Well done to you for keeping it up!

  4. How's it going with the walking now that school holidays have begun? This post inspires me, especially after learning that you suffer from the spurs like I do. No more excuses! I'm going to get the cushions for my shoes and will be out there very soon!


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