Sunday, 3 May 2015

Day 3 | Favourite Quote

When Chloe's dad and I first split up, I read all the self-help books. John Gray had been on Oprah, and his books were huge in the self-help world, and so I read several of them. I don't remember any of them now, but the habit I developed of gathering quotes and writing them down in a book remains, although these days I gather the quote on pinterest.

Brave is my guiding word for this year. Part of the work at the start of new year in the Ali Edwards class is to choose a quote. I had seen this quote doing the rounds a bit last year, but it wasn't until I really started looking for myself that I realised this was the quote for me. It sums up BRAVE beautifully for me.

Tomorrow's prompt Change the focus of your week by saying hello to Monday. I shared last week why I say hello to Monday, this week I want you to give it a try - you can make it a to do list, listing the things you're going to do (or dreaming of doing), or a list of things you are grateful for.

{life behind the purple door}



  1. Ha! Great minds and all that... I'm sharing a brush script quote I painted last week on the blog for todays prompt too.

    Great quote you have chosen by the way.

  2. A beautiful quote and saying hello to Monday sounds like a perfect way to start the week, so I'd better get myself to bed so I can say hello later rather than sooner!

  3. Love this quote! It's in my top 10 ;) I tend to be a collector of awesome quotes so this prompt was a wonderful one! I am looking forward to tomorrow's already <3

  4. Love the quote. Thanks for another good prompt. Have a great day.

  5. That is a wonderful quote for BRAVE!

    I'm enjoying the prompts & looking forward to a blog-full month! Thanks for the INSPIRATION!

  6. That is a great quote. I have seen it before and I have it saved too.


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