Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Snippets of Tasmania

hello audience of my mum’s! hi, how are you? So mum and I have discussed me dropping in once a month and I thought it would be a pretty cool idea to come in and talk. Here I am! As you may or may not be aware (depends on how long you’ve been here on the blog) I do not live with my mum, I am currently studying in Tasmania and boy, oh boy what an adventure it has been so far. For people all around the world (and even the ones from the mainland who have never visited) I will tell you this: Tasmania is the most beautiful place I have ever visited in my entire life. I’m not going to sit here for the entire blog post and just tell you all about it, what I will do is show you how beautiful it is (and add little snippets of stories in here and there. 
Salamanca || Tasmania
This is one of the first photos that I ever took in Hobart. The building on the right hand side is one of the buildings that my university is on! Sadly this semester I don’t have any classes down here but it certainly has a beautiful view. Salamanca is the “busy marketplace” on a Saturday and I will admit that Salamanca Markets are fabulous, every now and again. 
 Wrest Point || Tasmania
A (semi) short walk from where I live is this beautiful setting. A group of friends and I had the brilliant idea to go and see a sunset the other week and it was worth it. We had the best time and didn’t get home until the sun was long gone behind us. Certainly an afternoon/night well spent. 
 Launceston || Tasmania
This beautiful little spot is in Launceston. I visited on Easter Sunday with my aunt, uncle and their two gorgeous boys. We spent the afternoon having a cup of tea, eating a hot cross bun and exploring the sights that were on offer. I must admit that I reluctantly left the warmth of the house and then never wanted to leave this spot!

Have you been to Tasmania?
linking with My Little Drummer Boys 


  1. Tassie is so beautiful! Enjoy!!! ��

  2. Looks beautiful! We're hoping to visit Tasmania later in the year - will check out these spots.

  3. I grew up in North West Tasmania and went to Uni in Hobart! I've very fond memories of my days in Sandy Bay!

  4. hi Chloe, I've never visited and probably won't since I am in the eastern US so am glad that you are introducing me to the area. So glad to hear you are happy with your choice of school and the surrounding area.

  5. What a fab place to spend your Uni years! Looks amazing. Thanks for giving us a guided tour!

  6. I have been to Tasmania! I would agree it is beautiful and these gorgeous photos are making me want to go back! You really have a fantastic place to live for your uni years xx

  7. I was in Tassie a month or so ago.
    I want to go back again for a better visit.
    Beautiful snippets.


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