Friday, 29 April 2016

Blog Every Day in May

Twelve months ago, I randomly decided late one evening, as I sat on the couch avoiding another sleepless night in an empty bed, that I was going to write a blog post every day during the month of May. Setting goals like these are always random ideas for me, and I often fail. (Mind you, I'm not much better when I plan, either)

But here we are, almost facing May again, and I'm going to have another go at posting every day.

Every good blogging challenge needs good prompts. After poking around pinterest and checking out other prompt lists, I decided that I was going to completely throw them out the window, and just make up my own again. (You can see last year's list here) The prompts slightly align with the normal themes of my blog, but that leaves lots of space for interpretation by others, so if you see a topic you're interested in, please have a go at writing a post!

Sunday, May 1st us right now If you've been a reader here for awhile, you know that at the start of each month, I take a family photo of everyone together, and individually. If we've got visitors here (usually my mum), I include them, and every few months I convince Chloe to send me a photo too. It's a way of capturing photos of everyone regularly, and sharing snippets of their right now. If you're happy sharing photos of everyone, great, but if not, maybe get creative with the photo you take - a photo from behind, or shoe photos can still share your right now.
Monday, May 2nd hello Monday - 4 goals for the month I started saying hello to Monday, as a way of embracing the good of the week, rather than focusing on Monday being bad. This month, I want to try setting simple, achievable goals for the month.
Tuesday, May 3rd learn something new every day I'm a big believer in the power of learning. One of my biggest strengths is being a life long learner (although I'll be honest and say I rarely finish classes that I take) What have you learnt recently, that you didn't expect to learn?
Wednesday, May 4th behind the scenes - what isn't instagramable? So much of social media is sharing the highlight reel. Today, I want you to share a photo (and the story behind it) that isn't perfect.
Thursday, May 5th one tip What one thing did you change that had a bigger impact than you expected?
Friday, May 6th 5 on Friday - places on your bucket list to visit Would you visit other countries, or explore more of your own backyard?
Saturday, May 7th book review Tell us about a book you've read recently. Would you recommend it to others?
Sunday, May 8th self-care for you It's Mother's Day in Australia. How do you take time out from the world to look after yourself?
Monday, May 9th hello Monday Tell us five things you're looking forward to this week.
Tuesday, May 10th what's in your handbag? Do you carry all the dinosaurs from the toybox, or spare socks? What weird things are buried in the bottom of your handbag?
Wednesday, May 11th day in the life Share 5 photos from one day of your week. If you joined in last year, has anything changed, or is everything the same?
Thursday, May 12th dear Chloe Chloe is 18 today. I'm going to write my annual letter to her, but I'm challenging you to write a letter to your 18 year old self.
Friday, May 13th are you superstitious? If you break a mirror, do you end up with 7 years bad luck? Have you ever walked under a ladder? Do you believe, or not?
Saturday, May 14th something I read online as I scroll through my facebook and pinterest feeds, I read hundreds of articles every week. You probably do, too. Share ten links to things you've read this past week, and tell us why they caught your eye.
Sunday, May 15th me in other places - hangouts We all have places around the internet that we like to "hangout" Tell us about the facebook groups that you enjoy spending time in.
Monday, May 16th hello Monday - share a recap of your weekend did you spend the weekend at home, or away? Was it too busy, or the perfect relaxing weekend?
Tuesday, May 17th from the archives If you've been blogging a long time, like I have, you probably don't look at your archives very often, but today I want you to dig deep, and share an update on something from the past. Make sure your post includes a link to the original, so we can check it out!
Wednesday, May 18th what's on your work desk? Creative projects? Unfinished projects? A mess that needs to be sorted? Tell us what you're working on this week.
Thursday, May 19th what a difference What do you do differently to someone else? Or what do you do differently with lots of kids compared to 1?
Friday, May 20th baking mad I'm always on the hunt for new recipes to bake. Have you got a favourite cake or muffin recipe to share?
Saturday, May 21st blogs worth reading I'm of the "blogs are here to stay" camp, someone will always want to read someone else's story. What blogs have you been loving lately?
Sunday, May 22nd someone said something Inspirational quotes are the quick fodder of social media, but are they really inspirational? What quotes have been inspiring you lately?
Monday, May 23rd hello Monday Tell us 5 things you're looking forward to this week
Tuesday, May 24th words have power What stories do you tell yourself that you should stop? How could you change that story?
Wednesday, May 25th behind the scenes - house tour Do houses really look like magazine spreads? Have you got a room that really needs a bit more love, or a project that is still waiting to be finished?
Thursday, May 26th one question What one thing do you want to change, but you're not sure where to start?
Friday, May 27th 5 shows worth binge watching if time was no issue, what shows would you want to watch all episodes of in one sitting? Have you ever binge-watched a show? Was it worth it?
Saturday, May 28th book report How many books have you read this month? Tell us the titles (and a mini review if you want.) I'm always on the hunt for new books to read!
Sunday, May 29th me in other places - social media Technology has changed so much in my lifetime, but social media has exploded just in the last ten years. Share the places other than your blog that you have a profile, and tell us which one you like the most.
Monday, May 30th hello Monday -  results from 4 simple goals Back on day 2 we set some simple goals for the month. Now the month is over, how did you go? Share your results, so we can celebrate with you.

Life Behind The Purple Door
Free prompt printable available (no sign up needed)

Phew! That was a huge list to put together! If you'd like to join me on this crazy journey, I'd love to visit your blog and read! Daily link ups will be open each morning from 6am AEST for 48 hours.

I hope you can join me in May!


  1. Wow that's an epic list- good on you for putting it together and good luck for May..I look forward to reading all of your posts!

  2. That's a nice way to keep blogging. I haven't done a blog-everyday for a while now because I've been so busy with everything! I can't even keep up with a photo-a-day challenge at the moment! Out of curiosity --- do we have to follow the prompts or are there days when we can write something of our choice? I'll have to think about whether to commit or not...

  3. Glad to see this for next month. I was looking for challenges to do. :) Good luck and I will be joining in. :) have a great weekend.

  4. Great list of blogging prompts! I enjoyed blogging every day in May last year. This May I'll be traveling and working on some large projects.

  5. I love a good blogging challenge - some of my favorite posts I've written are from blog challenges I've done, and things I maybe wouldn't have written if Ih hadn't been pushing myself. Hope May goes well for you - I'll look forward to checking in!

  6. This is such a great list Cate! I can't commit to blogging every day, but I think I might use these for journaling!


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