Sunday, 1 May 2016

Us Right Now

Sunday, May 1st us right now If you've been a reader here for awhile, you know that at the start of each month, I take a family photo of everyone together, and individually. If we've got visitors here (usually my mum), I include them, and every few months I convince Chloe to send me a photo too. It's a way of capturing photos of everyone regularly, and sharing snippets of their right now. If you're happy sharing photos of everyone, great, but if not, maybe get creative with the photo you take - a photo from behind, or shoe photos can still share your right now.
we are all in need of a camping weekend

but it will be awhile before we can do it, our camp trailer needs some repairs

we are all in need of new runners

we'll be shopping this week
he got some news at work on Friday

he'll be moving back to night shift from June

he's been helping his sister with some yard work

and loving the chance to take Douglas with him
she has opted not to go to ProBlogger this year

but is heading away for a craft retreat in June

she is finding time to read books again

and always looking for more recommendations
he has taken over cooking dinner on Friday nights

but needs to remember to start earlier

he got good reports from teachers at parent teacher interviews

just needs to remember to make some better choices
she is excelling at all her school lessons

but needs to do her homework and return it to school

she is devouring all the books on the shelf

{her teacher has promised a prize for those who read the most}
his best subject at school is maths

{in a maths-confused family}

he needs to become more organised

he often forgets to return homework and library books
she doesn't cry when I drop her at daycare

and even spoke to her teacher last week

she is a threenager in the making

{the tantrums are endless some days!}

What's happening in your right now?

{you're welcome to link up any post you have written today}



  1. Good to hear you're all thriving...and even finding time for you to read and go scrapping!! Xx

  2. You're smiling in your photo!!! :)


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