Saturday, 1 January 2022

One Little Word® 2022

I've been choosing a word to guide my year since I first discovered Ali Edwards' blog the week after Christmas 2007.


Most of the early years with a word guide weren't terribly successful.

Some years I couldn't even remember my word until I was writing my blog post for the new year's word.

Some years the word ended up being completely wrong for that time in life.

Mostly, I didn't put the effort into the word, to keep t visible and active in my life.

Until the year of ACTION.

Since then, I've still had some dud words (hello SLOW) but for the most part, my words have shone bright in my life and given me what I needed at the time.

So I'm excited to see where EXPLORE takes me in 2022.

I can EXPLORE new recipes, and new crafty activities.

I can EXPLORE places near and far from home, and things to do.

I can EXPLORE books and movies and articles to read.

I can EXPLORE all sorts of things.

What word have you chosen to guide 2022?


1 comment

  1. Oh that is a good word - can be incorporated into so many things!


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