Tuesday, 19 February 2013

most people I know think that I'm...

As I was wandering around my blog recently, looking for a post I know I wrote, I stumbled on this awesome post. {I must have been a bad blogger in those days, here's the link to the post I copied from} I thought it might be fun to update the answers to those questions.

  1. Everyone knows that I'm forgetful, but you'd never guess that it's related to anaemia

  2. I'm proud to admit that I like vegetables but my guilty pleasure is chocolate

  3. I'm inspired by pinterest and it surprises me when people pin me

  4. I'm always clean but I'm never tidy {still}

  5. I've got lots of stuff but I've always wanted less

  6. I tried to get organised and it didn't work

  7. If I never take the kids to Disneyland it will be ok

  8. I didn't act on my ideas and now someone else is

  9. It's not that I'm lazy but I'd really rather not play outside

  10. Doing the menu planning makes me hungry

  11. Someone once told me I'd be a good teacher and then I became a scout leader

  12. I'm happy to say that the chaos is life and even grows on you

 Did you answer these questions originally? Have your answers changed?

linking up with Essentially Jess for I blog On Tuesdays



  1. Oh, what a lovely read! I've not seen this before and so fascinating to learn a bit more about you :). I really get your no.5! Off to check your link and thank-you!

  2. I like this idea! love it! thankyou xox

  3. I like your list!! I'm inspired by Pinterest too, but then also really disappointed when it doesn't turn out the same!! haha, or it just makes me set my expectations too high! x Karen #teamIBOT

  4. I love these questions! What an awesome idea for a blog post!

  5. I love posts like this. Thanks for sharing a little more of yourself. Rachel x


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