Wednesday 1 October 2014

31 days begins here

If you've been around the international blogging world for any lengh of time, you're bound to have heard of The Nester. (I say international, because it turns out that not many Australian bloggers have heard of either the blog, or the 31 days challenge)

It's something that I've wanted to join in with for ages, but I've always got excuses, and I rarely follow through anyway.

I've spent hours over the last couple of weeks, reading, writing notes, gathering ideas, writing lists. Then last night, I sat down to write a blog post about how I wasn't going to follow through. Instead, I started browsing pinterest, wallowing a bit, when I stumbled on this post from XOSarah. It was a bit of an a-ha moment.

I've told myself for the longest time that I want to be more consistent with my blog. I'm constantly being told by others how awesome I am for sharing my knowledge in facebook groups, but I'm not very good at converting that to people reading posts on my blog (as a friend once said, I have to stop giving it away for free in facebook groups.)

I'm also not good at applying the lessons I've learnt from reading every post I pin to my blogging board to my own blog. If you've clicked through from your reader lately, you'll know it's looking a bit half-done around here, with no proper header, category images that need updating, a huge tag cloud that needs culling, and not much else.

So, for the month of October, I'm going to write about blogging, every day. Right from the very basics of what a blog is, through to SEO, newsletters and social media. I'm planning to create printables, define terminologies, share resources, and work on my blog at the same time. Hopefully, you'll find something interesting and helpful along the way. And I'll update this page as the month goes on with each post I write.

day one - this post
day two - what is a blog?
day three -  the biggest list of blogging terms ever
day four - which platform?
day five - resources
day six - essential elements of a blog
day seven - ideal readers & mission statements
day eight - the most important page on your blog
day nine - editorial calendars and why you need one
day ten - 7 tips for good blog design
day eleven - writing your first post is hard
day twelve - resources
day thirteen - what do you need to know?
day fourteen - good blogging etiquette
day fifteen -how to comment
day sixteen - what is a link up?
day seventeen -finding the numbers in google analytics
day twenty one - what is a no-follow link?
day twenty two - finding & accepting guest posts
day twenty three - why you need a newsletter
day twenty four - creating a media kit
day twenty five - income streams from blogging
day twenty six - resources
day twenty seven - authentic voice
day twenty eight - blogging tips for SEO
day twenty nine - blogging tips for social media
day thirty - inspiration and motivation
day thirty one -blog maintenance



  1. Wow Cate what an awesome idea.

  2. Looking forward to your posts about blogging!

  3. Good on you. I'm sure you will make it through :) looking forward to following along.

  4. You know I've never really paid much attention to your tag cloud, but now that you mention it, it is huge compared to mine. But its nice and tucked away at the bottom :)

  5. I look forward to seeing how you go, posting on blogging for the month :)

  6. Sounds fab Cate - looking forward to learning lots.

  7. Great idea - you always have advice for everyone so I think it's great that you are putting it all down in your blog. Good luck, it looks like a massive undertaking.

  8. That sounds great Cate!! Can't wait to read and learn more, I'm gong to sign up to your newsletter too!! Thanks for linking up!!

  9. Love this series. Great idea and am looking forward to going back through and reading the past ones. Jx

  10. Came across this great resource via a facebook group. Love this !!! and you've inspired me to start my own blog, so thank you :)


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