Monday, 31 August 2015

Hello Monday

hello, newsletter. As well as my two newsletters, I write the letter for And Sew We Craft. I've been just as sporadic with it as I have been with my own. But I'm hoping to change that as the year draws to an end, and get all the newsletters out on time.

hello, spring. I hate spring. Sorry, I know lots of people love it because of the warmer weather, but I go through boxes and boxes of tissues in spring. The worst offender is the huge tree that grows outside our back door, but any flower can cause me problems. 

hello, new code. Over the years I've grown more confident tinkering with the HTML code of this blog. I've noticed recently that when I click through from posts on pinterest, the pinned image often isn't in the post, so I did a bit of investigating, and found the snippet of code you can add to hide an image. GAME CHANGER! For those who are interested, the code is 
<div style="display:none;">image code</div>
hello, BRAVE. I really need to revisit my word this month. It was so powerful for me as the year unfolded, but as the months have gone on, I've lost confidence in myself, and let opportunities pass me by.

hello, Monday, a new start every week.

linking up with Kirsty, Alicia and Eva.



  1. Tell me more about the pinterest code Cate. I'm a bit confused. Do you add it to your blog, or to your pinterest? I'm sorry that you don't like spring. It's my favourite season. But I can totally understand if you suffer from spring allergies. Hope you have a good week x

  2. Oh you are clever coming up with code! I honestly have no idea when it comes to that side of the blog. Happy Monday and hope you have a great week

  3. Thanks Cate, you've reminded me I must get organised with my newsletter too. I write for clients, and never miss a deadline, but I'm not so diligent when it's for me, which is silly really. I also need to remember to be brave, but that doesn't extend as far as code - you clever girl :-) x

  4. Hope you have a great week Cate!

  5. I hope you can get through Spring with minimal tissues this year Cate! Nothing worse than hay fever...

  6. I love Spring, but I don't love the hayfever that comes with it. It seems to get worse the older I get as well, and when it combines with a cold it's dreadful. I think that's why Autumn is my favourite season, because you get those warm days and cool nights of Spring but without the sniffles and watery eyes.

  7. Hello! As much as I love Spring, I can understand where you're coming from because my hubby dislikes it for the exact same reason as you do and I really feel sorry for him, it must be horrible.

  8. Keen to hear more about the Pinterest code as well, as I'm also a tad confused. Why are you wanting to hide images?

  9. I don't detest spring anywhere near as much since I had 2 years' of allergy injections - hay fever doesn't affect me anywhere near as much these days, thank goodness!

  10. Wow Cate... Where do you even start with html? I am scared I will ruin something and can't change it back

  11. I've been suffering with hayfever the past couple of weeks. Stupid sinuses. I am so glad the days are getting warmer though :)

  12. Hello Cate! Oh how I wish I got code. I need to get better at Pinterest too.


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