Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Us right now

After the buzz of ProBlogger,and winter illnesses, September will be about new routines and finding our equilibrium again. For the first time in 3 years, everyone will be under the one roof each evening.
he got a phone call on Monday morning asking him to come in and chat about the management job

sure, he said, let's chat.

he got a phone call on Monday evening, telling him it started today, instead of next week.

oh, shit, he said, my shirts aren't clean!
she realised after years of him being away, he'll be in bed every night

snoring. There goes the good nights sleep for a while.

she's starting to plan the next camping trip

everyone needs a break
he has been busy working on a science fair project with his best mate

but there have been far too many poor behaviour choices

he's an awesome helper, until he's not

which is stressful for the whole family
she loves sharing a bedroom with Riley

and has finally cleaned it up, and kept it clean

she is excited about dad being home at night

so they can watch Home & Away together
he loves helping with chores

but takes ages to finish because he's always talking

he is counting down to his birthday, and first school excursion

and is looking forward to presents and cake
she can name every member of the family

and her newest word is "daw" (draw)

her new nickname is seagull

she walks around the house saying "more more more" when she's hungry



  1. Congrats on the job for your hubby! And best of luck adjusting to the new routine. xo

  2. Congrats to your hubby! Having the whole family together for dinner will be wonderful. Love your little girls' smile - so gorgeous. And I have a little one asking for "more, more, more" food all the time too :) xx

  3. Great news about the new job . . . not so much about the snoring! :\ September always seems to be a good time for new routines.


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